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Fire and grass bedding construction 200 000 years ago at Border Cave - Prof Lyn Wadley
Early humans in South Africa used grass to create bedding, 200 000 years ago
200,000-Year-Old Stone Age Humans Slept on Beds Made From Grass and Ash
Discoveries in KZN rock shelters - Prof Lyn Wadley
The earliest known bed has been found at the Border Cave in South Africa
Lyn Wadley - Highlights of Research at the Middle Stone Age site, Sibudu, Kwazulu-Natal
Early evidence of San material culture, organic artifacts from Border Cave, South Africa
EAC12 Hotspot hour #25: SapienCE - Playing with Fire (Johannesburg, SA)
The First Human - The Border Cave Skull and Mandible - the oldest modern human in southern Africa
Entrevista con Paloma de la Peña sobre el yacimiento arqueológico de Border Cave (Suráfrica)
'Oldest known drawing' found on tiny rock in South Africa